
The whole idea for this project came from our decision to participate in a high school competition in developing computer games called Špongia. The assignment was to create a game containing a ghost and a spooky plot. We hope that you like it.

Our team

We are six students at Gymnázium Jura Hronca, also going under the name 💣.

Bohdan Jóža

Bohdan Jóža

teamleader, programming

Matúš Hluch

Matúš Hluch


Dávid Mišiak

Dávid Mišiak

programming, web development

Mária Ďuračková

Mária Ďuračková

programming, web development

Pavol Kebis

Pavol Kebis

programming, music

Peter Spurný

Peter Spurný

graphics, feelgood management


While creating Ghostalker, we produced more than 200 images, almost 400 sound a music files and written around 2000 lines of code.

It would not be possible without some amazing tools we used: